In Sunday's Sports section there was an article written about the pitiful life of Bill Maas. The interview was offered by Maas for the opportunity to come clean to the public and try to begin the process of rebuilding something of his public career. It was pathetic and sad.
You can link to Sam Mellinger's story from The Kansas City Star here: http://www.kansascity.com/666/story/693351.html
I appreciate how Mellinger didn't write this glowing "Give Bill another chance" piece. Mellinger did a nice job of taking the opportunity given him and I think pretty fairly portrayed the life and times of a spoiled, asshole athlete. If you read between the lines I think it was fair to say Bill Maas didn't get the sympathic hearing from the reporter for which he hoped. I think Bill Maas probably thought given the opportunity he could charm the reporter and get a nice article out of the deal that would make people actually feel sorry for him. WRONG.
Even before this incident (giving up my bias here) most of Kansas City has known Bill Maas to be an arrogant, spoiled, asshole athlete even back to his playing days.....before his uh, brain injuries. I had heard first hand stories about how he like to smack the women in his life around. Battering women is sooooo manly isn't it? I wonder how Frankie from the old KY102 felt about the story? He acted like as an athlete he was above everyone else. In short, he didn't have a good reputation around town even when he was an All-Pro for the Chiefs. Bill Maas suggests in the article that his problems, drug abuse, depression, etc is a result of head injuries from playing football. Still blaming someone or something else for your behavior eh Billy? See, isn't that typical? Bill needs to take responsibility for his actions and show what he is doing NOW to make it right. It is conspicuous that statements of responsibility and notation of his current acts of humanity are lacking in the article. In his days at 810 WHB and later 610 the buzz wasn't much better. On the radio he was often a hypocrite chiding athletes for their behavior while his was none better. Listening to him on the radio repulsed me. I never understood what Fox saw in him as an announcer. I never thought he was very good in that role and often received criticism from fans for how he worked a game. He started off apparently being well liked by fans and critics alike but the last few years he was on the air his performance weakened (I wonder why Mr. Coke Guy????) and Fox had already made the decision to not bring him back to the booth before the latest arrest and cut all ties in the aftermath saying he would have no role at Fox Sports moving forward.
So, the article reports how Bill Maas is now just working on his rental properties, staying out of trouble and how he helped a couple charities BACK when he was playing. How about doing something now to make amends for the wrongs of the past. To me that shows regret and the real desire to be forgiven and demonstrates real change. How about helping at a women's shelter? Or how about people with mental illness that could use a hand up? Show us some of that.....that stuff where you practice doing the right thing even when nobody else is watching for awhile and then we think about giving you another chance. Nope......Bill is busy with his rental properties and he is so into it he doesn't even know how many he has........the arrogance is still there........he has so much property you'd have to ask his accountant how many he has......as he states in the article.
I read closely and the article talks about how he wants his broadcasting career back or just back in the easy life around professional football. He calls out the Chiefs for their poor drafting and suggests that he could help by looking at some film. How about volunteer coaching with heavy supervision at some KCMO schools or a rural Missouri or Kansas JUCO? How about taking that opportunity to tell those kids that if you do what he did you'll have big regrets? How about showing up there everyday, on time, with a great attitude and teaching some kids how to dominate on the defensive line? How about if you show us that and then we'll think about giving you another chance at some of the other things.
Bill Maas, from what I read on Sunday you might have stepped away from the drugs, whores, the fast life but in your head and your heart you haven't changed. You've been clean for about a year now but you've had to be or you'd be headed to jail. At least you seem to be smart enough to stay of jail. You are still the arrogant, asshole athlete who misses the privledges of your God given gifts. You wasted those gifts and essentially spit in God's face by not being thankful for them and not treasuring them and using them appropriately. You need to do more before you come back and ask us for another chance.
I appreciate how Mellinger didn't write this glowing "Give Bill another chance" piece. Mellinger did a nice job of taking the opportunity given him and I think pretty fairly portrayed the life and times of a spoiled, asshole athlete. If you read between the lines I think it was fair to say Bill Maas didn't get the sympathic hearing from the reporter for which he hoped. I think Bill Maas probably thought given the opportunity he could charm the reporter and get a nice article out of the deal that would make people actually feel sorry for him. WRONG.
Even before this incident (giving up my bias here) most of Kansas City has known Bill Maas to be an arrogant, spoiled, asshole athlete even back to his playing days.....before his uh, brain injuries. I had heard first hand stories about how he like to smack the women in his life around. Battering women is sooooo manly isn't it? I wonder how Frankie from the old KY102 felt about the story? He acted like as an athlete he was above everyone else. In short, he didn't have a good reputation around town even when he was an All-Pro for the Chiefs. Bill Maas suggests in the article that his problems, drug abuse, depression, etc is a result of head injuries from playing football. Still blaming someone or something else for your behavior eh Billy? See, isn't that typical? Bill needs to take responsibility for his actions and show what he is doing NOW to make it right. It is conspicuous that statements of responsibility and notation of his current acts of humanity are lacking in the article. In his days at 810 WHB and later 610 the buzz wasn't much better. On the radio he was often a hypocrite chiding athletes for their behavior while his was none better. Listening to him on the radio repulsed me. I never understood what Fox saw in him as an announcer. I never thought he was very good in that role and often received criticism from fans for how he worked a game. He started off apparently being well liked by fans and critics alike but the last few years he was on the air his performance weakened (I wonder why Mr. Coke Guy????) and Fox had already made the decision to not bring him back to the booth before the latest arrest and cut all ties in the aftermath saying he would have no role at Fox Sports moving forward.
So, the article reports how Bill Maas is now just working on his rental properties, staying out of trouble and how he helped a couple charities BACK when he was playing. How about doing something now to make amends for the wrongs of the past. To me that shows regret and the real desire to be forgiven and demonstrates real change. How about helping at a women's shelter? Or how about people with mental illness that could use a hand up? Show us some of that.....that stuff where you practice doing the right thing even when nobody else is watching for awhile and then we think about giving you another chance. Nope......Bill is busy with his rental properties and he is so into it he doesn't even know how many he has........the arrogance is still there........he has so much property you'd have to ask his accountant how many he has......as he states in the article.
I read closely and the article talks about how he wants his broadcasting career back or just back in the easy life around professional football. He calls out the Chiefs for their poor drafting and suggests that he could help by looking at some film. How about volunteer coaching with heavy supervision at some KCMO schools or a rural Missouri or Kansas JUCO? How about taking that opportunity to tell those kids that if you do what he did you'll have big regrets? How about showing up there everyday, on time, with a great attitude and teaching some kids how to dominate on the defensive line? How about if you show us that and then we'll think about giving you another chance at some of the other things.
Bill Maas, from what I read on Sunday you might have stepped away from the drugs, whores, the fast life but in your head and your heart you haven't changed. You've been clean for about a year now but you've had to be or you'd be headed to jail. At least you seem to be smart enough to stay of jail. You are still the arrogant, asshole athlete who misses the privledges of your God given gifts. You wasted those gifts and essentially spit in God's face by not being thankful for them and not treasuring them and using them appropriately. You need to do more before you come back and ask us for another chance.
What kind of a person are YOU, that is publicly trying to hurt someone with your malicious words.
I read this a while ago and couldn't believe it.
I have been a "female" friend of Bill's for about 10 years and in all that time he has been nothing but kind, respectful and a wonderful friend to me.
One thing I did notice was that an awful lot of people wanted to be around Bill even if they didn't know who he was.
Yes we all have made mistakes but thank god that people have their family and true friends to help them thru.
Wow, this post was from a long time ago....glad you read it and wrote a comment. Maybe it made you think.
Just please point out where my words are not true. Bill Maas is hurting Bill Maas...not me. I'm so tired of these athletes taking and not giving back and then when they screw it up come back expecting us to give their god status back with little more than an apology.
Maas has done nothing that I can see to warrant another chance at this point. I'd love to write at some point that he has redeemed himself and deserves another chance. That would be so great to see. I'd be first in line to shake his hand.
I'm glad he has some family and friends to support him too. If they are real friends they will keep it real with him and tell him if he wants his life back he needs to do more and change. A friend would tell him I can't be your friend while you are hitting women and doing things that are hurtful yourself and others. Apparently, for 10 years you haven't had the courage to be THAT friend because he has been kind, respectful and wonderful to you....but what about the people he has wronged? That isn't a friend....that is a party buddy or a member of his entourage.
Friend, I'm not one of those athlete worshippers that you say wanted to be around him. I promise you that.
All you have to do is look at history repeating itself with Larry Johnson right now. He is acting the exact same way and it makes me wonder where are his "friends"?
I'd love to hear your comments on this response.
I am neither a "party" buddy or member of his entourage. I am actually just a regular everyday girl who treated Bill like a regular guy.
I have been real with him since the day I met him and probably why we still have a such a good friendship. I was never that adoring ass kissing person that hung around him for any reason except he was my friend.
I am so sorry you are so hurt but I am also hurt when people attack someone I care about.
Well, I'll take you on your word that you aren't that kind of friend. I hope that is true.
Listen, I have NO tolerance for men who hit women and he showed little remorse for his ways in that article.
I was looking for a different display of being contrite and actions backing those statements up. I saw neither only the "I want my life back" talk that we hear sooooo much these days.
If he wants people to give him another chance I'm only saying what the rest of normal JOCO is thinking.
I'm all for second, even third chances but there needs to be a real effort to make good on your past deeds...that shows you are truly sorry.
I hope he decides to do that. He could do so much good if he really wanted. I hope you are the kind of friend that help him stop blaming others accept responibility for his actions do something good.
I'm all for redemption. We all need it.
Thank you for responding in the way that you did.
I can promise you, I am a true friend of Bill's and maybe one of the few who liked him for him not because he was an athlete. Also one who knew a side of him that isn't available to most...
I agree, I hope he has learned from his mistakes.
A True Friend comes in when the Whole World goes out.
Thank you
Hello. And Bye.
I think your article is right on the money. I have seen Mr. Maas at a local pub in Lee's Summit (name of pub withheld intentionally)on at least two occasions drunk and very disorderly.
One occasion he went behind the bar, grabbed the female bartender, who is very petite, lifted her up and exposed her breasts to the cameras of his entourage.
Second occasion that I witnessed, he got into a fight with another patron who told him to leave because of the other incident listed above. After others helped break up the fight, he flaunted his attorney's business card, as if he's above the law yelling "call my attorney!".
I have no respect for this man whatsoever.
God may be able to forgive him, but he has to truly mean it, and make ammends for his actions.
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