Apparently, I might have been wrong. I said weeks ago that Dave Lindstrom didn't seem interested in keeping his seat on the Johnson County Commission. Today, as I was reviewing the mail I came upon a very interesting campaign flyer that might indicate otherwise. First we've had one commissioner, John Toplikar, caught on tape stealing his opponents signs and now Lindstrom's October surprise. These guys are very interested in keeping their sweet little gig that pays them $50,000 a year for a one day a week commitment.
The Kansas Club for Growth, a PAC with a Wichita address, sent out a very nasty campaign piece against James Azeltine alleging he was involved in professional misconduct in his day job as a financial advisor back in 1995. This plays on a nice little hot button issue right now with the stock market problems, the financial crisis and people's 401K woes. Now, it might be possible that the Kansas Club for Growth took it upon themselves to take this shot at Azeltine. However, with Lindstrom's statewide connections I'm guessing while he might be personally above this type of attack he wouldn't be above having someone else do it for him. Why else would they be interested in this sleepy little race for the Johnson County Commission? I did a quick bit of research and I failed to make a firm connection between Lindstrom and the PAC. I'll keep working on it.
It is such a beautiful piece of work orchestrated by these folks too as there really isn't any time for Azeltine to respond in any real substantive way with the election in just two days. I guess the only thing wrong with the strategy is that record numbers of people like me have already voted. I've scanned it for you below.

I guess I've completely underestimated the Burger King of Johnson County. This is nasty. This is playing dirty pool. Would you really expect out of all the races in this cycle that Dave Lindstrom would be the one to try something of this nature? I didn't see this one coming. I also noticed a bunch more Lindstrom signs out tonight so he seems to be putting on a push. By the way, it isn't that I don't think that issue is out of bounds I just take issue with the timing. Azeltine doesn't have time to respond and explain. Just for the record, if he wants to post an official rebuttal to this charge LIFE IN SOJOCO will be happy to post his response.
I've seen James Azeltine at work on the Leawood City Council and while we don't know each other I have confidence he'll bring the energy, experience, creativity and leadership we need to the Johnson County Commission and I would like to see him win.
Below, we uncovered pictures of Dave Lindstrom with a strange woman that isn't his wife on the beach. People who live in glass houses don't throw stones Mr. Lindstrom......just keep that in mind.
If Lindstrom is behind this I've lost respect for him.
I like the blog....always something a bit different and focused on joco....thanks
Who are you really? I hope Lindstrom loses. I don't think Club for Growth normally supports republicans...not sure.
Come to Burger King and I'll give you a free knuckle sandwich
This is an email that I sent to my supporters last week when these killer post cards started to arrive.
Thanks for the endorsement,
James Azeltine
Dear Neighbor,
Some of you may have received an ugly mailer being distributed this
week that questions my integrity and ethics. It’s clear that our
opponents have become so desperate in the last few days of the
campaign that they’ll stoop to gutter politics.
These people are resorting to scare tactics and have impugned my good
name without a shred of justification. This is what happens when the
status quo feels threatened. And it happens when good citizens
challenge office holders who have done nothing of substance, have no
agenda and have offered no solutions to pressing challenges. My
opponents would prefer to throw slime rather than deal with the
issues of the worst economic crisis since 1929.
I’m offended by these unwarranted tactics. Let me be clear. There
is no truth to the suggestion that I improperly handled investments
of one individual during the 21 years I’ve worked professionally as a
broker and financial planner. I was incidentally involved in a
complex issue that my then-employer had with this individual 13 years
ago. I assure you I did then, and continue today, to serve in the
highest ethical manner.
We’ve run an aggressive campaign that takes issues head on. We’ve
delivered a positive message that we can solve the challenges to our
growth and vitality in Johnson County. And we do have challenges …
some at-risk babies lack adequate medical care … we have inadequate
bus services to handle the demand of our citizens and our workforce …
we lack a coordinated effort to protect the environment and recycle
our solid wastes … we need a more sensible tax policy that rejects
“forever” sales taxes … and we need more accessible parkland.
Leaders delay and defer while things get worse.
We have been true to our word. Our campaign strives to reach higher
and take charge. Our opponents have shown they only know how to slip
lower and act irresponsibly once the voting process has already
begun. Your vote can help reject this cynical, destructive style of
Tell your friends and neighbors by forwarding this email to them. And contact me directly if you’d
like to discuss our campaign in more detail. Let’s show that we’re
willing to fight for good government.
James Azeltine
Candidate for Johnson County Commission
District 3
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