I have big meeting shoes. (BMS)
These are shoes that have a very new look to them even though they are a couple years old. They aren't scuffed and the leather isn't all creased up and worn. I wear them maybe 10-12 times a year. They aren't worn in bad weather to get wet and salt all over them.....no, for those days I have bad weather shoes (BWS).
I keep them in my closet for big meetings. Or maybe a big event or on the rare occasion that I take one.......an interview. Definitely for a funeral or a night time formal business event. They are go to shoes. Ready to wear. No polishing needed.
I know when I put them on they will look great not that most of my other shoes don't. I'm kinda a shoe guy. I have lots of pairs of shoes. Actually, I have a few single shoes as well waiting to see if the other shoe is coming home from a weekend bender. I have flip flops that are also a flask. Don't judge. Many of my other dress shoes were once BMS and retired to everyday work status. The last stop after everyday status is BWS. I read once that the average guy has like 3 pair of shoes. I lap that by about 7 or 8 times.
I think some people have a favorite suit or dress for the same purpose. These aren't necessarily my favorite shoes but when I put them on it is important. When they don't look perfect anymore then I'll get a new pair of BMS.
I check out other guy's shoes. I judge. Sorry. I see a guy wearing a thousand dollar suit and shoes that look like complete dog crap.....or the wrong color.....yikes. I rarely look at a chica's shoes unless they are fuck me pumps.
Today, I'm wearing my BMS. Today shit could happen.
wow! hey,good luck to you and your feet! Hopefully you will never run into me...my shoes are ugly....but I am a great gal.
I do know what you mean when you see someone with a fine, fabulous outfit and failing footwear.
JY in WI
"Today shit could happen" and "BM"
tehehehe u have to tell us how the BM went!
I like how some people find the little nuggets in my writing...thanks for commenting.
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