My post regarding the race in "Old Leawood", Ward 1, got a tiny bit of attention from The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle this week. Andrew Osman addressed a little bit of my concerns regarding potential conflicts of interest by directly referencing the blog in a what I'll call a very friendly fluff article. Let's just say I'm not expecting a similar profile on Dr. Peppes in in KCJC.
Brief digression: When ever someone calls it "Old Leawood" I think of Ron Burgundy. "Do you know what Old Leawood is Ron?"
"I believe it is an old, old wooden ship". I know....only funny to me. Sorry. Bromance me.
Anyway. I would agree with Mr. Osman that it is sad that often seats so uncontested. Public service is honorable. I'm glad he is running. I'd like to hear some specifics on what he'd like to accomplish. Serving on committees and boards within the city are also a great way to serve the city you love. He suggests term limits. I guess I'm okay with that. Not a bad idea. But to say that the leadership we HAVE had is by default poor....well......I can't go along with that. This has been an exceptionally well run city at all levels. In fact, it has been down right impressive. I can't figure out how that represents a vacuum of leadership.
He says in the article that he doesn't have any projects before the city and won't if elected. Fair enough I guess. At least he addressed it. Me personally? I still don't have a need for developers on city council. That is just me.
But if that is the case then I don't understand this part of the article:
In addition to keeping up with Council and committee actions for his business, Osman said, he has attended many Council meetings to get a feel for
city government. He also attended a Leawood Police Department citizens’ academy
course. (Rick Hellman, Kansas City Jewish Chronicle, March 19, 2010)
Hmmm.......what's the deal here......he doesn't have development projects in Leawood but he is keeping up with Council and committee actions for his business......I guess that is the business he doesn't have with Leawood? JOCOeveryman is super confused and putting down the vino.
I don't know.....just something I noticed. Probably an honest mistake. By the way......someone still needs to tell him that Leawood City Council has zero to do with "education policy".I'm sure he is cool dude.
1 comment:
I'm a Leawood resident and have a comment on the City Council contest between Osman and Peppes. I am not really a political animal, but I do have a personal observation about Mr. Osman. Late last year I attended several meetings where he was also in attendance, and was frankly annoyed by the fact he frequently raised his hand to ask questions with the apparent intent of calling attention to himself and his business. I have never met Greg Peppes, but from what I can glean he is doing a good job, and I have heard nothing that leads me to think Mr. Osman could do better.
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