Monday, July 26, 2010

Power and Light District Update

I was at Power and Light this weekend.

I saw an average black man. I actually saw him enter. He wasn't hassled at all. He seemed to enjoy himself. Weird. From what I read around town I half expected the staff to be wearing Klan hoods. Nope.

I love that we can all just get along. Warmed my heart.

Now if we could just stop this reckless and ridiculous persecution of the letter "P". One of my favorite things starts with this letter.........


Anonymous said...

What is one of your favorite things that starts with "P"?

Anonymous said...

shocker. I 'm there quite a bit and I really haven't seen any problems either. Must be some of the places I don't go in P&L?

Anonymous said...

I know it doesn't seem cool on the blogosphere to say you like P&L but I have a great time when I go there. Really fun.