She hates Sarah Palin so much that her face quivered as I mentioned her name. Barely containing herself she looked at me and told me she wanted to send me something about Sarah Palin. From her tone you knew it wasn't something positive. I sat across from her and she said this to me in quiet moment of a board meeting where we both share a passion for a cause of helping people in need. The business of the board became in a rare moment political. It was out of necessity as the board considered allowing the program to be a backdrop for a political appearance for a key liberal candidate. The board exists of prominent and average Republicans and Democrats but because of who is in the room it is not generally accepted small talk. I always thought it was encouraging to see that people with different political viewpoints come together and work for something important and bigger than ourselves. It felt safe and I always felt that if we could do it in this instance why couldn't we in a larger sense?
This moment was discouraging because while the subject of politics became a rare necessity I hoped it wouldn't become partisan. The decision was a simple one. Would allowing this candidate to use our program as a backdrop for an appearance cause problems with our conservative donors? The Republicans on the board stepped forward quickly with support knowing the exposure for the program would be good along with the feeling that our cause is generally viewed as non-partisan and that it would be difficult to make it a partisan issue for the candidate. We also felt it would calm Democrats concerns about offending us by taking it off the table right away. I felt this was very gracious and proved to continue our desire to put the program above politics. It simply was the right thing.
Unfortunately, this board member sitting across from me didn't demonstrate the same level of grace. She commented that anyone who would think Sarah Palin should be vice president is an idiot. Of course she said it another Democrat but in earshot of me....thus by the therom of substitution learned in 9 grade Geometry apparently I am an idiot.
I was at that moment actually proud of myself. I had heard on talk radio of people on the other side who hate McCain and more so Palin so much that just the mention of their names made them incredibly angry. I had never seen it until yesterday. I've been as political as a person could be in my life and rarely did anyone ever have to wonder my position on an issue but I've never hated a liberal Democrat like she hates Sarah Palin. Certainly, I've disagreed and certainly I've been rankled and even angry but even with Bill Clinton I never felt hatred. I don't even have the kind of hatred she demonstrated for people like Nancy Pelosi and jack offs like Keith Olbermann. Rosie O'Donnell might be as close as I come and it is because of her hypocrisy not her politics. I'm glad I don't feel that kind of hatred. It looks like it hurts but it also made me feel sorry for her and frankly made me think a little less of her. I thought less of her not because she supports the other candidate, I always knew that, but because she had this ability to hate this deeply. And yes, I was proud of myself for knowing that wasn't me.
I guess what bothers me about her wanting to send me something about Sarah Palin is that she in fact thinks so little of me and my considered thoughts on politics and thinks them so poorly constructed in my mind that what she sends me might actually create some epiphany in me and change my entire ideology about what is best for our country. Does she think that I am like a sheep following a herd without a thought of my own? Does she really think that one email or article will change my most deeply held convictions about the social contract and political change and the solutions for our problems in this country and the world?
Perhaps through having many liberal friends I've come to accept that not everyone thinks the same way and it isn't a flaw in their character. I do have honest disagreements with people but I've come to understand that no matter how good my rhetoric, no matter my command of an issue, and no matter how smooth my discourse I'll likely not change their mind and further I only create the possibility of hurting what we do have in common.
I don't know if you've ever felt this way before. I guess we all deal with conflict differently and I guess we all deal with people who disagree with us differently. Is this you? Do you hate Sarah Palin and other conservatives this way?
I am embarrassed to be a Kansas Citian.
People on both sides of this political debate have become really caustic.
What really disappoints me is when people I at one time considered reasonable and intelligent begin spouting the party line from whichever side they're on.
I can't tell you how many times I've seen a pro-Obama person sputter with incredulity at the behavior of a McCain supporter's beyond-the-pale behavior while ignoring the same kind of behavior from the people on their side.
I can't wait for this election to be over and we can get on with the business of completely ruining this country.
Been reading your blog for a while...
Being from Alaska, my answer is definitely NO. She is our Governor. And if by some chance that McCain isn't our next commander in chief, it is a win - win situation for us. We either have her for a Vice President or as Governor of our great state.
Although, there are some here who are very unhappy with her. I am not. I think the MSM is giving her a bad rap. And I am sick of the whole Tina Fey thing.
On the other topic - I have my views and I have several friends who are Democrat. I don't hate them, never have. I respect them and their opinions even though they might not be in sync with mine.
Hey, thanks for your comment and thanks for reading the blog. I am honored. Glad to see not everyone is so hostile. You are fortunate to have her as your Governor.
I quiver when I hear here name too.
You clearly quiver for much different reasons SOB......
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