I mean this story is about as bad as it gets. How horrible does life get to grow up in that nightmare? I feel so badly for those kids. What a train wreck. Do you want yet another reason why we shouldn't allow homeschooling? The school system at least provides a reasonable check and balance for crappy parenting. By the way, getting the daughters' story for the paper today was some really fine work by Donald Bradley from the Kansas City Star. Very compelling and at the same time sensitive to their pain.
I mean is this for real? These kids shouldn't want for anything after the movie deal is sold but their lives are forever jacked up. If somebody doesn't make that into a movie I'll be shocked.
God, who wouldn't line up for a chance to shoot that lousy bastard? What I wouldn't give for 5 minutes alone him.
I understand his wife is a victim of domestic violence in this case but seriously.....she was jealous? How about repulsed?
Well, I'll tell you one thing.....it certainly will give me pause at the thought of buying a used cooler at a garage sale.
Man, I've seen some crazy shit in my day but that almost takes the cake. I mean, try to think of something more evil than a father's complete betrayal and violation of his own kids. I mean seriously. Read. that. story and tell me it isn't the most effed up thing you've seen. I mean it really gives me an upset stomach thinking about it and not much bothers me. Pure Evil.
I wanted to try to come up with something funny or witty to say about it but I just can't. All I can think of is how incredibly lucky I was to have an honorable, decent, hard working, loving, dedicated father.
Me. Speech. less. rare.
Great post JE.
The cooler joke made me throw up in my mouth a little.
Great post JE.
The cooler joke made me throw up in my mouth a little.
I am feeling like mom of the year now after exploring this story a bit further. Truth is stranger than fiction, I think it is a blessing that the offspring died..can you imagine??
There is a town in WI called Breed. I'm glad I don't live "in Breed".Totally tasteless joke under these circumstances, but I have no standards.
I can only hope those children will find some real love and comfort in their lives now that they are away from those monsters.
Jayne, that is what I love about you. I'm surprised Nancy Grace isn't all over this thing by now.
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