Thursday, January 22, 2009

My President is half white.

Michelle Malkin broke this vid of Jay-Z and some other unknown rapper with some pretty non-post racial stuff.

I thought it interesting because it reminded me of the what typical white people would say in defense of their racism...."I'm not racist, one of my best friends is black". I guess the new line among the hip hoppers is "My President is black". Apparently, it is showing up on t-shirts.

And then I got to thinking a little more. All this talk of post racial America must be pretty darn scary for the people who have made a fortunate and career out of it. People like Jay-Z. Jesse Jackson and his son who is taking over the family business. I mean if they aren't careful they could be as poor and destitute as the people with whom they peddle their hate. They could be as unuseful as Rosie O'Donnell hawking a diet plan. How can they trade on the race and hate and class war if the top guy is black? This won't be good for business at all and if that means that we an all put race beyond us then what will they have to sing, rap....uh rhyme curse words quickly to drums about???

Come on now....Mr Z, I don't want to split hairs but our President is Half White. I mean if you want to make sure your brand of on racism..... stays better than the current economy as a whole then you have to do stuff to promote your business, right? We knew your little video would garner a reaction how about if I help you out a bit and give you what you want. So there you have it. Mr. Johnson County Whitey is calling you out and reminding you that the joke is on you. All of us in Kansas......Barack's mothers is from Kansas.... choose to look on the positive side......he is half white. There you have it. It is just as true. Where is my t-shirt?

Usually a guy like Barack Obama is viewed by guys like Jay-Z as lacking street cred, as putting their "white on" or leaving their "black at home" or whatever. They mock guys like the President as being like Erckel but now he is useful. Not to mention how many black women look down on a white woman who steals a good black man......or because the black man rejects black women to bed down with a white woman. He is useful to them because he can help keep their customers sending in the money.
It seems ironic doesn't it that your wife, Beyonce, was singing for the President and his wife for their first dance and saying it was the most important day of her life....even more than marrying you apparently......and you are off keeping up your business and cred.
I guess JOCO Whitey just doesn't get it.


May said...

I met a black man who played me this song long before Obama was actually elected. At the time, it came off as a bold and powerful statement. Maybe it seems stupid now, I don't know or really care. But what I do know is no matter how half white he is, that doesn't keep white people from calling him otherwise and disrespecting him because of his skin color. So I'm totally okay with other people who have also gone through that feeling empowered because he is the president and what that signifies to them.

Kansas Sity Sinic said...

Dear Whitey,
1. Who is Erkel? Are you referring to Steve Urkel?

2. Jay Z is a has been. Beyonce, however--I love her. I love her voice, love her body, love her.

Her rendition of "At Last" was pretty good on Tuesday night. It also helped that Shell managed to find a decent dress, as opposed to her threads from earlier that morning.

You would think with the most expensive inauguration in history, the could hire a stylist for Shell whom isn't color blind.

Anonymous said...

Hey Whitey-It is that white home girl from WI. I too am looking for the shirt that says my President is BiRacial.I am not a racist either, I just like to call it as I see it. Great POST once again..Is Obama looking for a speech writer? You should apply-E.O.E. BUT be prepared for a wage freeze, wow! way to show us the new fiscally responsible DC.
Hey JOCOMAN "Keep on Keepin on", Geez I love that dorky saying.

Unknown said...

Obama is black? Hadn't heard that yet.

JOCOeveryman said...

May, just for the record I'm not disrespecting President Obama or at least not trying to disrespect him. I've made it a point not to bag on anything specific to him. I'm being critical about those who comment on him or about him.

I want him to be a success in a very sincere way unlike people who tried at every turn to bring down George Bush. Both were/are my president. I will honor the high road and the high ideals of this country even though I didn't vote for him. I will provide a better example than jackasses like Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow. I'm providing commentary on what happened not long ago but what was performed on the night of his inauguration.

I'm happy for all people who take special meaning from us having Obama as our president. It is a special historical time. I'm interested in how it affects people who have made their fortune and business off other's pain and misfortune. I think it is kinda interesting. I'm just trying to point it out in a creative way. I would think you of all people can respect that because of your training as a creative writer. Gives you something to think about, no?

Finally, I really do think you are great and special. I value what you think and what you write.

So, why can't my statement be just as bold and powerful against the blacks who trade on racism for their fortune?

JOCOeveryman said...

Sinic...who doesn't love Beyonce? That woman is so fine and so talented. Kinda makes my point doesn't it?

Beyonce was fantastic on Tuesday in complete contrast to people who make their fortune pretending to speak for all disenfranchised blacks in this country.

Her comments afterward touched me more than her husband's repulsed me.

Quite a contrast don't you think???

JOCOeveryman said...

Speech writer for Obama??? While I'd love it I'd hate to take a pay cut....I have a wife and kids to feed.

I Travel for JOOLS said...

I think the person who really made a statement at the inauguration was Aretha Franklin. She's seen it all in her lifetime. Loved her rendition of the song delivered with real soul and spirit. And, loved her hat. Bring on the rhinestones !!!

JOCOeveryman said...

Travel...I think there were so many powerful moments and statements made on Tuesday and many I'll never forget.

SmedRock said...

You bit on what Jay Zee wanted, controversial lyrics sell. And now you remember it, and if it was a commercial, it worked.

Sad thing is rap is a business just like any other industry these days.

JOCOeveryman said...

Exactly Smed....I admitted as much in my post. I said I'm giving you what you want.....

Anonymous said...

You gotta respect Jay-Z either way. Really sick of all the racist nonsense out there. It's time for everyone to open their eyes...

JOCOeveryman said...

How can you NOT respect Jay-Z as an artist and business man and as a man who married one of the most beautifu women in the world?