Nice win. Hearing him talk makes me think 2012. Heard him absolutely handle Meredith Viera this morning. Can an East Coast Liberal Republican satisfy the party base? I think he might have the Independents covered.
I saw this list of 20 things to know about Scott Brown. I thought it was interesting.
Keith Olbermann is clearly jealous. Nude model? To quote you Mr. Olbermann...."Was it really that bad?" I still hate Keith Olbermann.
Yes, he can satisfy the party base. His more liberal social positions are still within the acceptable norm. Can't have it all, all the time. I would have preferred that he was against all non-medically necessary abortion, but that's already been settled by the supreme court and most importantly, the states still have the right to restrict abortion in the areas of parental notification, etc.
I think you are on it. Abortion is always a hot button.
Mr. 2012. I like that. You might the first to call him that....kinda a play on the Cosmo centerfold deal. Right on.
He got everyone's vote a lonnng time ago, JE:
Sinic.....I had the cosmo spread on the link.....nude model....for your pleasure
Just an observation, but I think his wife looks like Tammy Faye Baker...which has nothing to with the fact that he's the right fella for leading this dysfunctional country. Go Scott-2012
Jy in Wi
Au contraire my friend...the 'Nude Model" links to the same times article you linked the paragraph before..
These internets can be challenging for older folks.
Great hair
Oh, my mistake there Sinic. I thought I had linked to it for all you girls.......As we all know, I've been criticized before for my copy and pasting skills.
I'll see if I can fix for future readers.
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