I understand all the necessary deference to the real wars we fight and have fought but I just can't call the KU-Missouri game a Border Showdown. The line that K-State is our rival but Missouri is our enemy is as true as it has ever been. Here is a pretty good article on the subject and of course a brief synopsis on Wiki here. We can't even agree with them on the series record because of a game in 1960. We ruined their perfect season that year. We played the first time in 1891 and have played 116 times since. Without the drama of last year, this is more about pride and being a spoiler.
I grew up in Kansas. Olathe to be specific. Growing up there you considered KU, KSU if you were the normal, typical kid. If you were a brainiac you widen your horizons to the nation's elite schools and if you were, well, poor little Ronnie in the back of Mr. Nicholson's Government class at Oregon Trail Junior High you dreamed of 2 years at JUCO and then maybe finishing at Emporia State or Pittsburg State. Oh, then there were the Nazarene's that went to Mid America and got married when they were 19 so they could live off campus and sleep together. Sorry for the digression but my point is nobody and I mean nobody ever considered going to Missouri. Not one person from my class of over 300 went to Missouri.
I hate the Missouri Tigers. Now, I live pretty close to the state line and I swear I am thankful the wind doesn't come out of the east very often because I know it would stink. I can honestly say I've never cheered for them. Not once. When I moved back here we considered briefly looking on the Missouri side for a house and I just couldn't stand the idea. We live in Kansas because the people are better, smarter and more civilized (with the exception of Wyandotte County). We have neighbors that have one of those KU-Missouri flags because apparently they had some Capulet-Montague thing going on and married. They pull that thing out when the teams play each other and I always want to go pull it down and burn it. Black and Puke Yellow shouldn't be touching Crimson and Blue that way.
Anyway there is this game today and we aren't favored. Any objective look at it will tell you that Missouri has the better team this year. The weather could be a little dicey and that could equalize things a bit. We shouldn't win but it would be so great if we could. I would love squashing their little pea sized brain's hopes of a BCS game.
Go Jayhawks. Beat the those jerk off Tigers today. Steal their beer and sleep with their women. Kick their dogs. Piss on them. Go Jayhawks. Rock Chalk Jayhawk and don't you dare send me a comment as a Jayhawk fan saying it is okay because we have basketball. No.

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