Wednesday, March 31, 2010
People Still Haven't Learned to Save for Retirement??

Mike Sweeney Continues to Survive in MLB
Monday, March 29, 2010
Andrew Osman's Statements on Development Create More Questions.

Mr. Osman said in (what I now would argue is a carefully worded statement) an article for the KCJC that he "did not have any projects within the city" and would "avoid future projects if elected". He didn't mention he has/had an interest in vacant land at 103rd and State line. Is he wanting to plant a garden? What do developers do with vacant land? He also doesn't pledge to not have any projects with the city if elected only that he will "avoid" them. Seems a little sketchy now. This is exactly why I don't like developers on City Council.
Perhaps he no longer has any commercial development planned in Leawood or no longer has any development projects in the works but as of less than a year ago he stood before the City Council regarding his "vested interest" in property at 103rd and State line for a Planned Business Park. I guess it depends on what the definition of "is" is.........to quote a much more famous American politco as to whether it seems reasonable that this developer is interested in being apart of the development of Leawood. So let's just imagine how this might have gone if Mr. Osman had been sitting in a Council person's chair on April 20, 2009?
Indeed, the council met on September 8 in a work session to discuss the issue. Apparently, it is in a flood plain. I couldn't find Mr. Osman's proposal to amend the zoning.April 20, 2009 Leawood Council Minutes
Andrew Osman, 3312 W. 86th Street, stated he had a vested interest in property located at 103rd and State Line Road in the Planned Business Park District [BP]. The property has been vacant for a significant amount of time and the layout and description allows very limited use. Mr. Osman wanted to express his intention of presenting a possible amendment to the BP zoning that would allow different types of applicant’s occupancy. Mayor Dunn stated this issue has been referred to staff and will return before City Council on a future Agenda.
I wonder if Mr. Osman still has an interest in the property and if he still plans to present an amendment to his benefit and that might improve the value of his investment and if that would be at tax payers expense? Hard to know but wouldn't you like to know before you vote on April 6th? Think the following are fair questions and I wonder why the KCJC didn't ask them?
Mr. Osman:
- Do you still have a vested interest in this property?
- What are your plans for this property?
- What is your proposal for changing the zoning and will it cost taxpayers ie the city raising it out of the flood plain?
- When making a statement to the KCJC regarding this issue why didn't you acknowledge your vested interest?
I'm confused.
Mr. Osman has an absolute right to do business in Leawood including commercial development. I just don't like the appearance of conflict it creates to have developers running around city hall.
Sinic Gets Trashy!

Friday, March 26, 2010
It is Friday!!! Time for Best Wine of the Week.

This week's wine of the week is............

This wine is a Napa Valley red blend and I've started seeing it pop here and there. Just because several of us wine geeks have found it doesn't mean the rest of you are in the know. But I think you will be soon enough.

Final Note: A word on blends. Blends have often confused because in America we really like buying wine with the varietal name on the bottle....ie, Cabernet Sauvignon or Chardonnay. California wine law dictates that it must 75% of that varietal to put it on the label as such. Blends are often a labor of love for a winemaker in my opinion because they are trying to make the best wine they can regardless of what they have to put in the bottle. Since many wine sections and wine lists are organized by varietal they usually get stuck in a section by themselves that only us wine geeks shop. Good for us......bad for you. You can also look for Meritage but that usually connotates a blend made from Bordeaux varietals. However, this isn't law. Blends are a fun thing to check out and they often have funky names like this one and a very popular one called Menage a Tois.....however, I'm not a fan of it and a white blend I am fond of called Caymus Conundrum.

Enjoy. Have a great weekend.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Leawood Rocks on Thoughtful Development

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
JOCO Sun Presents Candidates Opinions
"Save the Music" dominated Blue Valley School Board Forum

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Llywelyn's Bathroom

Monday, March 22, 2010
"Old Leawood" Osman Addresses My Post

In addition to keeping up with Council and committee actions for his business, Osman said, he has attended many Council meetings to get a feel for
city government. He also attended a Leawood Police Department citizens’ academy
course. (Rick Hellman, Kansas City Jewish Chronicle, March 19, 2010)
Hmmm.......what's the deal here......he doesn't have development projects in Leawood but he is keeping up with Council and committee actions for his business......I guess that is the business he doesn't have with Leawood? JOCOeveryman is super confused and putting down the vino.
I don't know.....just something I noticed. Probably an honest mistake. By the way......someone still needs to tell him that Leawood City Council has zero to do with "education policy".I'm sure he is cool dude.
Just shoot the dog already

Bad Coffee
Sunday, March 21, 2010
In Honor of Tony Nigro

Friday, March 19, 2010
You know this going to pass, right?

Best Wine Friday!

Sunday, March 14, 2010
Why are some cops pricks?

Friday, March 12, 2010
Friday's Best Wine of the Week!

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Increase of Beer and Liquor Tax On Ice.

Kansas: Kansas legislators table vote on alcohol tax
Mar 10th
Kansas lawmakers Wednesday
tabled a proposal to raise a wholesale tax on alcohol to help fund mental health
programs and services for disabled Kansans.
It's the latest tax measure to
falter in the Legislature as lawmakers look for ways to close a budget deficit
pegged at $467 million.
The proposed liquor tax hike would have added a few
pennies to the cost of beer, wine and spirits. It would raise an estimated $21.8
million, which would be split evenly between mental health programs and services
for the developmentally disabled.
Lawmakers on the House Tax Committee balked
Wednesday, voting to table the measure indefinitely. It's possible the idea
could resurface at a later time.
Rep. Kay Wolf, a Prairie Village Republican,
is the sponsor of the bill. She noted the programs for the disabled and mentally
ill serve the state's most vulnerable citizens and have had to absorb deep
budget cuts.
"Mental health was cut $20 million since 2007," Wolf said. ". I
believe this population is one we need to help almost more than anyone. Without
us, I don't think there is much help for them."
But other lawmakers on the
committee said they feared a higher liquor tax could hurt bars, restaurants and
liquor stores.
Others noted the money could be redirected by legislative
budget committees to fund other programs.
"It's highly unlikely this money is
going to get where it's supposed to go," said Rep. Arlen Siegfreid, an Olathe
Republican. ".we're going to end up with a tax increase that's not going to do
what it was intended to do."
The current tax rate is 18 cents per gallon of
beer, 30 cents per gallon of wine and $2.50 per gallon of alcohol. The tax
hasn't been raised in 30 years.
5 Smart-4 Idiots. Period.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Glorious Blue Valley Announces Cutback Options Too

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
17 Schools you don't want your kids to attend

Monday, March 8, 2010
What does the Little Bluestem Grass and Samantha Ryan have in common?

Friday, March 5, 2010
Andrew Osman Against Peppes for Leawood City Council

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Yo Holmes! Do your Homework about Ironwoods Park

Michael Ashcraft to Challenge for JOCO Commission

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Doesn't he have a point??????

"When 100 senators are for a bill and we can't find $10 billion to pay for
it, there's something the matter, seriously the matter, with this body," he said
to an empty chamber Friday. "There are going to be other bills brought to this
floor that are not going to be paid for, and I'm going to object every time they
do it. . . . I have got too many young grandchildren that want America to be the
same America that I grew up in. And I'm worried to death that that's not going
to be the case."
Big Meeting Shoes

Monday, March 1, 2010
Okay Jackasses....one more time. Stephene Moore.

Embarrassing Sunday Morning

Don't Buy Stuff.
Truly, I was listening to a little Dave Ramsey on a cross state drive last week and while I usually laugh at how people can make a living telling other people the most incredibly obvious stuff.....like Pepper Brooks in Dodgeball..."that blindfold is gonna make it hard for him to see".....I was actually a little moved by how this guy is getting people to live debt free. They call in with their stories of how they buckled down and got out of debt.....pretty cool. Suze Orman though.....complete idiot....why is she wearing black leather and yelling at everyone? I think she might have been a dominatrix before this gig.