I received a call this week at of course a less than convenient time from some nice lady at Johnson County Sun newspaper. You know the one? The one that shows up free on the end of the driveway. If you ever open it you would also recognize it is the one with a Steve Rose op-ed covering half of the front page. That one.
I wrote a post about The Sun last summer quipping that I actually found something useful and insightful......you know like it was a shock of sorts.
I'll admit that most times it goes straight from the driveway to the recycling bin. ((For the Olathe crowd.............Recycling bin: a dedicated container for collecting refuse that can be reprocessed and made useful again.)) Olathe doesn't have curbside available unless you pay extra for the service. Idiotic isn't it? Can you imagine how much stuff is wasted and sent the landfill from that city? Anyway......over in Leawood we recycle curbside and candidly I probably have a bigger pile for the recycling bin than for regular trash anymore and that doesn't include glass which nobody will take anymore. Another reason the west side of the county might be better off in Wyandotte County. But I digress.....
Anyway, she called and started asking about The Sun and I was about to tell her I'm already a subscriber, er, I already get it. You know, I want to shake the call. She tells me that she just wants to know if it is okay that they start sending it via mail instead of driveway delivery. You can read Steve Rose's announcement here. I'm like okay.....which ever. I'm thinking it will be just as easy to take it from the mail to the recycle bin and I won't even have to bend over?
I guess what she really wanted to know is IF I wanted to still get it? She didn't ask it that way. Anyway, I guess if they will go to all the trouble to mail the darn thing the least I can do it open it and peruse it before it stick in the recycle bin. At least I'll know what' s on Steve Rose's mind.
I live in JOCO and don't get the SUN, never have. Occasionally I'd go to Price Chopper to pick it up just for the columns Rose has published. Either I'm stupid or can't figure out how to get on that' mailing list, any ideas? Thanks...
Wow....It is free so I guess if youw went to the website and told them Jocoeveryman told you to call...he he......
I bet if you just call they would be happy to add you....probably one of their many delivery issues
I just can win! Not only do I live in Olathe (and have to pay extra for the recycling), but I have never received the Sun. Maybe they just don't like us.
BTW: We may have to pay for recycling, but have you seen the HUGE trash bins they give us? Where are Leawood's trash bins? ;)
Bill....Leawood is actually switching to those new containers next year. Olathe is one of the last cities to do their own trash. We use Deffenbaugh. Trash is serious business.
Us JoCoians are lucky, the poor kansas shittians only get two bags per house AND they don't take garbage out of cans, only bags. Kinda seems like a contradiction to me.
Interesting - they called me too, at all hours of the day.
When I finally answered, they asked me that same question, only I never received the paper to begin with. I said I don't want it and the man was pretty pushy: "Sir, it's free." Weird.
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