I really like Sarah Palin.
She would be someone I would really like to know. She looks like lots of fun. Her simple, folksy, soccer mom persona is really charming.......okay, even hot. I'll admit......I've thought bad things about her. Is that so wrong? A cute conservative. I'm thankful. I love the hot librarian look. But we really have to get over this ri-God damn-diculous notion that all conservatives regardless of their intellect, experience and sanity deserve our unquestioned support. We need to be more discerning. I've made this point consistently regarding people like John Toplikar, Phill Kline.....and Tom Scherer. I refuse to say, "you had me at conservative".
Her story is engaging as someone who cared about her little community and got involved and then ended up not only the Governor of a State but in the middle of a (losing) presidential campaign as a running mate. I love that she lived her values as a champion of the value of all life in a very personal way......not just making speeches about it. That makes her a hero. You have to love her story and root for her.
But......and a big but........she is smoking crack if she thinks she can be a serious candidate for President. She says she won't rule it out. Sarah.....rule it out now. She is putting all of us who like her in a tough position like my best friend asking me if I think he should ask his bitchy girlfriend to marry him except in this case I won't be able to lie........
It really is a silly, silly idea. Shut it down now.....she should focus on making as much money as she can......while she can. I would vote for her for.......

City Council? You betcha.
School Board? Would make every meeting.
County Commission? Move over Toplikar.
State Senate? Alright....I'm in for a small contribution.
President. No Chance.

And about that flap on her looking at notes on her hand.......give it a rest. I'd rather see a couple words on someone's hand so they remember to mention something than the President using a teleprompter to speak to elementary school kids. And I agree with her on not being the word police...........
I also think she is hot! There's no questions she's got the MILF thing going for her.
She has potential, but I think she should keep doing what she is doing, but consider being a senator for a while. She needs more experience with the "big boys" in politics.
Not enough people knew of her before the last election. She needs more time on the national stage.
A swimsuit calendar would be fine too.
I think because she is hot is why so many liberal women hate her so much.
Total MILF! But I think you have it right....I've often wondered why conservatives feel like they have to support any pro-life person regardless of their other qualities. Good post.
To me, Sarah Palin is like eating Chinese food...I am hungry one hour later. She seems trite to me. Not shallow, but just not well rounded enough to be Prez. The "okeydokey" crap and huntin bear stuff annoys me too. She is ever so lovely(so is Todd) but the whole RNC is glomming onto her like a lifeline. Maybe Scott Brown can take over their affections. Is Palin considered to be a hypocrite for reaming out Rahm for the "r" word when according to Levi Johnson, she affectionately uses it toward Trig?I dunno-I'm just asking...
JY in WI
She didn't? If she did.....that would be sad. But I totally know what you mean.....and I agree we shouldn't be counting on her at all. Like Chinese food.....I like my General's Chicken even though I know it isn't good for me.
Despite this being a horrible blog run by a very sick demented blog mod, has anyone ever seen this person have any solutions. Of course not.
So SOJOCO, who do you suggest should be our next President of the United States.
We want to know who you suggest. So we can all roflmao because of it.
I agree on this one - I think she seems intriguing (I am a chick so don't care if she is hot or not, although I have heard that does make a difference in the political world) but I dont want her as president. Shoot for something smaller yet still powerful.
I also agree on the comment that Anon sent about liberal women hatin the hot chick. I don't get that.
Told my daughter the other day I would not vote for Palin. Daughter loves Palin. What expertise does she have? We need EXPERTISE.
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